How to Be an Instagram Brand Rep

The Hair Bow Company Instagram Brand Rep Guide

A Guide to Instagram Brand Repping for Kid’s Brands

You know your daughter has to be absolutely, no contest, the most adorable kid out there, right? Then why is breaking into this whole Brand Rep thing on Instagram so darn hard? Brand Rep searches here at The Hair Bow Company are a lot more than just a cuteness contest. (We would have to pick sooo many if we went on cuteness alone! We definitely have the cutest fans!) Let me tell you about what goes into being a Brand Rep and I’ll give you a few pointers to help you get picked.

What is an Instagram Brand Rep?

Many children’s brands work with Instagram Brand Reps to help get their products seen by Instagram users and to get their products modeled by cute kids. Brands (like us here at The Hair Bow Company!) have those goals in mind when they are choosing Brand Reps. Every shop has their own Brand Rep rules, but at The Hair Bow Company we send our Brand Reps a set number of packages during their time as a Brand Rep. Each package has a variety of clothing and accessories items we have chosen for our Reps to model. Everything we send is theirs to keep, but in return we expect them to take photos modeling the items, and to send us the photos as well as share them on their own Insta accounts.


How you can be like a top Brand Rep:

Your Photos

The photos on your Instagram account should be high quality, eye catching photos. We are looking for photos that can be featured on our website, as well as stand out on Instagram. Photos should be bright, colorful, and crisp. You don’t have to be a pro photographer, but some knowledge of photography is helpful! Make sure the products you are featuring are clear and in focus, and not covered by your child’s hands or other objects.

Your Instagram Account

We will want you to share our products with all your followers, and we will also share your account with our followers, so your account is very important. It should be:

  • Professional /Appropriate
  • Consistent
  • Public

You may want to create an account just for Brand Repping rather than use an account you already have for personal posts. We will expect you to share posts about our specials and sales, as well as photos of our products. You don’t have to have a lot of followers to get picked as a Brand Rep, although we do take it into consideration.

Your Timeline

When shops send out new products to Brand Reps, they are usually eager to start sharing them with customers and fans. The best Brand Reps have a quick turnaround time for taking photos (and sending photos back.) If you don’t get around to modeling an item until it is almost sold out, you won’t be much help to the shop and they probably won’t want to continue the Brand Rep agreement.

You could be our next Brand Rep!

We love seeing all your adorable entries every time we have a Brand Rep search! Keep these tips in mind when you are entering Brand Rep searches and you and your little one could be the next Brand Reps for The Hair Bow Company! Head over to Instagram now and give us a follow to make sure you don’t miss our next Brand Rep Search (@thehairbowco)

How to Be an Instgram Brand Rep

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