DIY Valentine's Day Dry Erase Board

Hey, y'all! Bethany here from Pitter and Glink to share a fun Valentine's Day project with you. I am a sucker for anything pink, and I love holiday decor that can transition to everyday. That's what led me to create this little pink and gold Valentine dry erase message board utilizing beautiful flowers from the Hair Bow Company.

a box with a picture of a flower and a note alt="diy dry erase board"

It's so easy to create your own message board with a few inexpensive supplies.

a picture of a man and a woman on a red and white card alt="diy dry erase board"

You'll need a small frame (I purchased a 5x7 gold frame from the dollar store.), a piece of card stock or scrapbook paper, flowers from the Hair Bow Company, washi tape (not pictured) and any other little embellishments you'd like, along with a hot glue gun and glue sticks.

a couple of women in a pink heart alt="diy dry erase board"

To begin, use the frame insert to cut a piece of paper or card stock the size of your frame.

a pink towel on a wood surface alt="diy dry erase board"

Stick a piece of washi tape on the paper near the bottom. (Don't put the tape all the way at the bottom of the paper because you don't want it to be covered up by the inside edge of your frame.) Put the paper in your frame and then use hot glue to add your flowers and any embellishments to the corner of your frame. Draw a little lovey-dovey message on the frame's glass, and your Valentine's Day dry erase board is complete!

packaged goods alt="diy dry erase board"

I LOVE the way this little project turned out. ;) I think the chevron flower with the rhinestone and pearl center is just the cutest!

a sign with a message alt="diy dry erase board"

After Valentine's Day is over, you can simply erase your holiday message and add an everyday message. Use the board for your grocery list or use it to write inspirational quotes. If you like this project, I hope you'll stop by Pitter and Glink for other crafty inspiration. Happy Valentine's Day!

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